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2009 10 07 21:46
Marijus * rašo: | ot gaila viskas svetima kalba.
ar guglo transletorium pasinaudoti |
ai, esme - pripjove grybu fotografas, tai jaunoji padave ieskini ir laimejo... pirma laimeta byla pries vestuviu fotografa del sutarties nevykdymo. ir CNN kelis kartus reportaza parode.
Paskutinį kartą redagavo MP, 2009 10 07 21:48 . Redaguota 1 kartą
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Adomas Svirskas
2009 10 07 21:47
Marijus * rašo: | ot gaila viskas svetima kalba.
ar guglo transletorium pasinaudoti |
Pointas kame - stai gali Jureviciu paduot i teisma, jei ne iki galo patiko tos vestuviu foto
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Nadia Gric
2009 10 09 19:35
Štai ką buvau kartą radusi:
""You must be cognizant of the fact that your friend can sue you if something goes wrong. Once your friend is married, their loyalty will be (and should be) primarily to their spouse. You never know what will happen to a friendship. Take the time to write up a document, title it a "letter of agreement", and clearly spell out the requirements of both parties. Make it as complex or simple as you like, just be sure to include a paragraph that says your friend understands you are not a professional wedding photographer, that you cannot guarantee to provide any specific photo, and that you are not responsible for any loss of coverage for any reason. Even WITH that phrase in the letter that is signed by yourself and your friend you can STILL be sued."
Iš Christopher Maxwell, Wedding Photography Tips for Beginners
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Evaldas Činga
2009 10 17 13:21
:DDD nu bliamba, noriu ir aš tokio puslapio, reiks duot sūnui tas greit suprogramuos :DDD
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2009 10 20 15:23
Tą pirmą nuotrauką kažkur visai neseniai mačiau, ir tikrai ne šito "menininko" puslapyje. Įdomu įdomu...
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2010 1 14 0:41
čia tai kas vadinama "chaltūra"
arkanoidas rašo: | Čia gal labiau nuotaikos pakelimui gausis -- : FREELANCE , Gintaras Paberžis
Labai patiko ypač apipavidalinimas ir laisvalaikis . |
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Reikia prisijungti norint parašyti atsakymą
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