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fotoaparatu pirkimas internetu


Pranešimas fotogidas    2009 5 01 15:27      


galbut teko pirkti kazkam is situ zmoniu? jei taip, ar jie patikimi? ar tikrai sumokejus pinigus, gaunama preke. Neteko pirkti ne karto internetu, del to kolkas nelabai pasitikiu sia prekyba.
Skelbimo nuoroda: [url] [/url]
Pardavejams nusiunciau laiska, parase, jog siuncia i lietuva nemokamai, draudimas irgi nemokamas, 2m garantija. Isikure uk jie. atsiuncia per 2-3 darbo dienas, jeigu preke netinka, galima grazinti per 90 dienu.
Kas man keisciaucia, jog preke pas juos kainuoja 3000lt, o lietuvoje analogiskai 10000lt, ar taip gali buti, manau kad per didelis kainu skirtumas.

Dar didesnis kainu skirtumas: [url] [/url]

Paklausiau del ko toks didelis kainu skirtumas, pasake taip, jog is ju perka mazmeninkai, kitos interneto parduotuves, daro nuolaidas. Bet vistiek visa tai nerealiai graziai skamba.
Mokejimas per via Western Union Money Transfer. Galbut galite pasakyti aiskiau kokia tai kortele, kokie reikalavimai jei issiimti?

Kokia jusu nuomone siuo klausimu[/b]

Paskutinį kartą redagavo fotogidas, 2009 5 01 15:46 . Redaguota 1 kartą

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Pranešimas cruxman    2009 5 01 15:39      

Mano nuomone, turi reikalą su aparatūros vagimis. Labai daug gramatinių klaidų ir informacijos "iš lempos". Man ji absoliučiai neaktuali.

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Pranešimas MP    2009 5 01 17:03      

jeigu toks kainu skirtumas ir mokejimas Western Union Money Transfer - bek kuo toliau nuo tokiu.

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Pranešimas Adomas Svirskas    2009 5 02 12:02      

Just say no to drugs. Tikiuosi kada nors jie iklius.

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Pranešimas fotogidas    2009 5 03 13:07      

Kam idomu, stai koki laiska gavau is to "pardavejo"

See, we are VAT reg company here in Leicester, united Kingdom. We dont indulge in any kind of dirty deals. We ship to you exactly what you have paid for.

These people you are talking about, i dont know them and they tell you stuffs about my company. ask them maybe they have had any transaction with my company??

and you judge yourself and see things clearly regarding all what i ve been trying to say.

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Pranešimas MP    2009 5 03 15:54 rašo:
Kam idomu, stai koki laiska gavau is to "pardavejo"

See, we are VAT reg company here in Leicester, united Kingdom. We dont indulge in any kind of dirty deals. We ship to you exactly what you have paid for.

These people you are talking about, i dont know them and they tell you stuffs about my company. ask them maybe they have had any transaction with my company??

and you judge yourself and see things clearly regarding all what i ve been trying to say.

tada pirk Smile

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Pranešimas hideo    2009 5 03 19:51 rašo:
Kam idomu, stai koki laiska gavau is to "pardavejo"

See, we are VAT reg company here in Leicester, united Kingdom. We dont indulge in any kind of dirty deals. We ship to you exactly what you have paid for.

These people you are talking about, i dont know them and they tell you stuffs about my company. ask them maybe they have had any transaction with my company??

and you judge yourself and see things clearly regarding all what i ve been trying to say.

lol Very Happy

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Pranešimas Adomas Svirskas    2009 5 03 20:34 rašo:
Kam idomu, stai koki laiska gavau is to "pardavejo"

See, we are VAT reg company here in Leicester, united Kingdom. We dont indulge in any kind of dirty deals. We ship to you exactly what you have paid for.

These people you are talking about, i dont know them and they tell you stuffs about my company. ask them maybe they have had any transaction with my company??

and you judge yourself and see things clearly regarding all what i ve been trying to say.

Na tada as jiems jau duociau kepure prisikti Smile

Niekad nereikia pamirsti, kad godumas prazudo frajeri Smile

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Pranešimas Deimantas    2009 5 04 21:03      

Kuo toliau nuo tokių neaiškių pardavėjų...kuo toliau.

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