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tiny girls
Well the day begins
You don't want to live
'Cause you can't believe
In the one you're with
'Cause you know her tricks
And you know her past
When she makes a face
You just have to laugh
And you feel like such a know-it-all
When you only want just a tiny girl

Iggy Pop

1. koja voro    (2013 09 09 14:40)  
2. T.D.    (2013 09 09 16:40)  
antra gera

2013 09 09 13:46
Taškai: 12
Vidurkis: 4.25
Vertino vartotojų:   10
Žiūrėta kartų:   4790

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. 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
0000 2
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