Ankstesnė fotografija    Sekanti fotografija  
Karol Siwek
comments in english appreciate. ;)

another model from Lithuania Greta.

mamiya phase one.

1. vikaras    (2010 10 28 20:29)  
2. Kęstutis Šimatonis    (2010 10 28 21:10)  
3. M    (2010 10 28 21:28)  
4. AUDrius a    (2010 10 28 22:03)  
;)))) +
5. Snaržas    (2010 10 28 23:00)  
posas ,bet...
6. Snaržas    (2010 10 28 23:02)  
7. Kamilė Naraitė    (2010 10 28 23:26)  
Greta looks awesome!! I know her for ages.. but I didn't know before that she is photo model.
and you, Karol, are very good photographer! I really admire your works!
8. j_l    (2010 10 29 01:09)  
funky :)
9. Kafkis    (2010 10 29 01:32)  
There is nothing more to say that this frame is great :)
10. hideo    (2010 10 29 02:06)  
11. Gytis Turčinskas    (2010 10 29 09:36)  
nice job, only reflex on top can is taking to much attention...4,5
12. Александр Красавцев    (2010 10 29 10:14)  
Awesome job, proudly sitting in top list. Hah 5!
13. tomas tomaitis    (2010 10 29 10:21)  
va cia tai ,,recycling'as ,,! 6 skarbos ir 5 balai.
14. cruxman    (2010 10 29 10:45)  
Ką skarbonkė apie tai galėtų mums paporinti?;)
15. Dinga    (2010 10 29 10:56)  
great :) love the reflection in her eyes - cross-shape flashring?..
16. Indru    (2010 10 29 11:03)  
GaGa style:))

17. Algis aš    (2010 10 29 11:15)  
18. Rolandas Butkevičius    (2010 10 29 11:27)  
19. Jelena Kurbatova    (2010 10 29 11:57)  
labai man panasu i sia:
20. Pijus Vyčas    (2010 10 29 12:35)  
nice camera you have :))
21. Dovilė Zubytė    (2010 10 29 13:21)  
19/ looks really alike
22. A.S.    (2010 10 29 13:27)  
Gal coca coloc :)
23. Karol Siwek    (2010 10 29 14:07)  
Thx for nice welcome. its not,my camera im renting it from my uni im just a poor student.
24. Karol Siwek    (2010 10 29 14:08)  
ps. its only a ring flash
25. VaRom    (2010 10 29 15:09)  
23/ Welcome to fotokdra, I assume you are majoring in photography, if so my advice is don't waste your time repeating others ideas, find your own path
26. Karol Siwek    (2010 10 29 16:13)  
before ive shoot this photo i have never seen lady gaga stuff. cans in a hair isnt anything anusual i suppose. in photography everything has been already shoot... dont u think so? landscapes with rocks or sunset most of them looks the same but still nobady complains about this. we can have long discusion about this. naomi cambel had photo with cans in her hair but nobady complain that lady gaga copy the idea... so i assume this conversation is pointles.. cheers
27. Karol Siwek    (2010 10 29 16:13)  
before ive shoot this photo i have never seen lady gaga stuff. cans in a hair isnt anything anusual i suppose. in photography everything has been already shoot... dont u think so? landscapes with rocks or sunset most of them looks the same but still nobady complains about this. we can have long discusion about this. naomi cambel had photo with cans in her hair but nobady complain that lady gaga copy the idea... so i assume this conversation is pointles.. cheers
28. Jurgis    (2010 10 30 19:46)  
ja nie wiem lepiej było by puszki po żywcu :) +
29. blunkanti    (2010 10 31 17:19)  
Zara VS Cola :)))
30.    (2010 11 01 20:08)  
31. Donatas G_    (2010 11 01 20:13)  
Jėga ++
32. Mantas    (2010 11 02 23:38)  
Karosl, I think VaRom is just jealous :) This photo is amazing, I like glare, amazing quality...
33. Robis    (2010 11 04 08:06)  
:) gera.
34. Sandra M. B.    (2010 11 04 09:15)  
35. Sigitas Kondratas    (2011 03 31 00:08)  

2010 10 28 20:24
Taškai: 221
Vidurkis: 4.69
Vertino vartotojų:   104
Žiūrėta kartų:   9732

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