Ankstesnė fotografija    Sekanti fotografija  
this car is going to hell and nobody is at the wheel
there's an evil virus that's threatening mankind
it's not state of the art, it's a serious state of the mind
the muggers, the backstabbers, the two faced elite
a menace to society, a social disease
to brainwash the mind is a social disorder
the cynics, the apathy one-upmanship order
watching beginnings of social decay
gloating and sneering at life's disarray
eating away at your own self esteem
pouncing on every word that you might be saying
to attack someones mind is a social disorder
the constitution, the government, martial law order
superficially smiling a shake of the hand
as soon as your back is turned treason is planned
when every good thing's laid to rest
by the governments hate, by the constitution and their lies
and every time you think you're safe
and when you go to turn away
you know they're sharpening all their knives
all in your mind
all in your head
try to relate it
all in your mind
all in your head
try to escape it
without a conscience they destroy
and that's a thing that they enjoy
they're a sickness that's in all of our minds
they want to sink the ship and leave
the way they laugh at you and me
you know it happens all the time
but it only happens in your mind
the rats in the cellar you know who you are...
or do you?
watching beginnings of social decay...

1. rhcp    (2007 08 10 13:53)  
2. R.    (2007 08 10 14:27)  
liuks pagauta. kazkas nuobodziauja, kazkas neptikliai stebi veiksma pro langa, kazkas tikriausiai sluosto prakaita nuo karscio, o labiausiai veza mane tos moteriskes geltona palaidine zvilgsni :) na toks - apziurim apziurim, ryt turesiu apie ka turgelyje papletkinti :)
3. Darius Jurevičius    (2007 08 10 14:53)  
teksto autoryste geraibutu uzrasyti,-kadras gers
4. giena    (2007 08 10 14:59)  
5. Marijus *Bružila    (2007 08 10 15:52)  
6. Audrius G.    (2007 08 10 16:31)  
super! 5
7. VV    (2007 08 10 19:10)  
Nereikėjo nė pavadinimo rašyti, ir taip aišku, kad "nobody is at the wheel":) o tai jau labai daug, kai pati foto kalba. 5.
8. Mindaugas Dryža    (2007 08 10 19:53)  
gera foto ir be teksto
9. Nerijus    (2007 08 10 20:00)  
10. Aušra B.    (2007 08 11 12:20)  
super! labai mėgstu tinkamus tekstus, super!
11. Saulius Arlauskas    (2007 08 11 17:52)  
Aga, gera...

2007 08 10 13:18
Taškai: 49
Vidurkis: 4.53
Vertino vartotojų:   27
Žiūrėta kartų:   3785

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