Ankstesnė fotografija    Sekanti fotografija  
net, nam ne xolodno!

1. lince    (2007 07 12 22:24)  
o tai cia ne tie patys kur vakar reno foto vaidenosi?
2. oi oi    (2007 07 12 22:26)  
Taip, tie patys....
3. Sundew    (2007 07 12 22:31)  
please in english !
4. Linas Šinkūnas    (2007 07 12 23:12)  
they wondered if these are the same kids we see in Reno photos.. :)
nice emotion indeed ;)
5. Mindaugas Buivydas    (2007 07 12 23:12)  
Interesting, emotional photo. But I'm not sure about the background. It seems to me artificial and slightly overprocessed. Maybe it is better to cut this background and to think about different crop. 4,5
6. Sundew    (2007 07 12 23:19)  
we are wife and husband and they are our children :) as to the background for me it is ok :)
7. Ramūnas Danisevičius    (2007 07 13 00:15)  
8. abracadabra    (2007 07 13 01:47)  
9. batuda    (2007 07 13 10:58)  
beautiful.. look at the skin of her arms :)
10. Pijus Vyčas    (2007 07 13 11:06)  
11. Andrey Vahrushew(RENO)    (2007 07 13 11:26)  
12. giedrius ksivickas    (2007 07 13 18:19)  
es domaju, ka in lietuviesu un latviesu valodas daudz vairak tadu patu vardu neka in lietuviesu un angliesu....
13. Aistė Tiriūtė    (2007 07 16 14:31)  
i really like it, nice emotion.

2007 07 12 22:10
Taškai: 69
Vidurkis: 4.72
Vertino vartotojų:   34
Žiūrėta kartų:   5456

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