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Bernardas M
Midnight Essay
...for cell movement are:
-Profilin. Catalyzes ADP->ATP exchange in G-actin
-Formin. This protein serves as a site for de novo polymerisation of G-actin. Polymerisation leads to linear F actin. Formin is inactivated by DAD and DID domain interaction, however GTPases can bind GBD domain releasing autoinhibition. Then FH1 and FH2.....

1. Romas Kanapeckas    (2009 03 25 23:49)  
Neponial, no zdorovo
2. K    (2009 03 26 01:11)  
1 (:
3. vi.    (2009 03 26 10:22)  
tik nesodinkit kūdinio ant ranka rašytų dizertacijų, gali baigtis blogai :)
4. blunkanti    (2009 03 26 22:11)  
faina :)

2009 03 25 23:02
Taškai: 41
Vidurkis: 4.61
Vertino vartotojų:   18
Žiūrėta kartų:   5051

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