
1. apie ***
Labi pastrādāts meistar :)
  2010 03 04 23:26
ussualy i don't like those deep shadows but to this picture it comes quite good together with idea. I know when you are doing something very tidy you are in different world, no sounds no picture just you and your work :)
  2009 12 31 03:41
3. apie Freedom
šitā no visām tavām fotogrāfijām vislabāk patīk! Nu ir! Laigan nav perfekta kadrējuma ziņā + izskatās ir tādi gaiši pleķi no brusha PS'ā. Vairāk tādus kadrus :)
  2009 12 31 03:27
4. apie mademoiselle
Lips looks kind of flat, but image overall looks ok! Girl position I don't want to judge. Good theme keep on working and cheering people :)
  2009 12 31 03:14
5. apie pauzė
light par on the right very distracting.
  2009 12 22 23:08
6. apie Gintas
social realism :) Photo looks kind of muddy one of the reasons could be file resolution. anyway quality of picture could be better.
  2009 12 22 22:47
google translator rocks :D

  2009 12 19 01:05
8. apie Hanna
nice light ;)
  2009 12 15 22:41
classic :)
  2009 12 15 22:41
10. apie minimal
This foto would look awsome in concrete-industrial interior with cool wood furniture in >a0 format :)
sory for the double post.
  2009 12 15 22:40
11. apie minimal
  2009 12 15 22:39
12. apie *
usual theme Young vs Old :)
  2009 12 15 22:38
13. apie ___
(+) Photo on the right could be good concert picture combined with others in reportage.
(-) Text!!
(-) Sharp edge between thos dark tones are like a pain in the a**.
(-) I like when people fool me in way that i belive to what i see. This is not that case
  2009 12 15 22:35
Tnqs :) I think this is the right place for photos like this :)
  2009 12 14 22:46
15. apie Erika.
  2009 12 06 02:34
16. apie Dežutės
lines lines lines :)
  2009 12 06 02:33
looks like that girl is playing hide & seek :)
  2009 12 06 02:32
18. apie Lietus
i like it.
  2009 12 06 02:30
19. apie Dome
Diffrent photography.
  2009 12 06 02:29
20. apie Garso faktorius
you can do better..
  2009 12 06 02:28
Nice rythm.
  2009 12 06 02:25
22. apie Vaisiai
all about form. If image would be sharper than it would be realy nice
  2009 11 25 19:09
Very good :) Heh today while i was walking to shop i thought about making wedding photos with camera draging technique :)
  2009 11 25 19:07
24. apie 0-0
khm something simillar i allready saw here..
  2009 11 23 15:51
ordinary social life. I like pictures of that kind ;)
  2009 11 23 00:16
26. apie #7
Verry Good!
  2009 11 22 23:52
27. apie Shh!
World does not love smart people. So if you are smart be quiet. :)
  2009 11 22 23:32
28. apie ___
Decorativ' and vivid :)
  2009 11 22 23:02
Part in bottom seems quite heavy. But rose and b/w is nice.
  2009 11 21 21:16
I am not intrested in nature photography but this foto seems quite intresting. Harmony in form and nice reflection. Keep it up ;)
  2009 11 21 21:15