Arvis Vanags
Got idea?
Please, write coments in english. :)

1. Vitas Zabita    (2008 03 14 22:08)  
this is a lamp. interesting lamp
2. Ramūnas L.    (2008 03 14 22:13)  
good idea Arvis ;)
3. Kęstutis Šimatonis    (2008 03 14 22:14)  
4. Arvis Vanags    (2008 03 14 22:19)  
i made this whene i was learning photoshop - 2.5y ago.
5. Kęstutis Šimatonis    (2008 03 14 22:22)  
teach us, please ( well done ;)
6. Arvis Vanags    (2008 03 14 22:28)  
Kęstutis, are you joking??
For questions i hawe skype - arvis.vanags
7. VaRom    (2008 03 14 22:29)  
I love how abstract you have made this...very cool!
8. Kęstutis Šimatonis    (2008 03 14 22:48)  
partially, thank's for skype, maybe in future we'll contact
there was no jokes about the photo, seriously I like it
9. Arvis Vanags    (2008 03 14 22:50)  
im photographing birs too.. :)
10. Kęstutis Šimatonis    (2008 03 14 23:03)  
colleagues ;)
you can find my e-mail on my Web page here (if you'd like to conact)
11. mgyl    (2008 03 14 23:04)  
nice one :) I like it
12. Флагвамвчaйку    (2008 03 14 23:32)  
wow! great!
13. w.    (2008 03 14 23:45)  
yesterday it was about politics, today about , how much electrisity will coast in the future :)))

2008 03 14 22:03
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