Arvis Vanags
Please, write coments in english. :)

1. Kęstutis Šimatonis    (2008 03 13 12:36)  
seimas ?
2. Paulius Makauskas    (2008 03 13 12:37)  
1/ yeah, for sure"Master of puppets, our men of force, one hand to rule them all" :))
3. Aušrinė    (2008 03 13 12:43)  
4. Ramūnas L.    (2008 03 13 13:00)  
yes, of course :)
5. w.    (2008 03 13 13:10)  
looks good !
6. K. M.    (2008 03 13 13:12)  
7. Arvis Vanags    (2008 03 13 15:53)  
i made this few months ago.. on that time in Latvia eweryone was very mad at all politics.. and many crazy things was going on..
8. Daiva Kielė    (2008 03 13 21:14)  
9. Antanas M    (2008 03 13 22:21)  
labi :)

2008 03 13 12:30
Taškai: 30
Vidurkis: 4.40
Vertino vartotojų:   16
Žiūrėta kartų:   2856

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