Mr Pindy - the younger brother of Mr Pandy
Mr Pandy is a naughty panda-teddy living in Manchester at my aunt's house. Though Mr Pandy is a jolly bear, sometimes he gets sad and lonely:( Mr Pindy has just got his pasport and he's coming to visit his big brother soon. Let me know, if you'll here something about "beary" revel in Manchester:)

1. Kęstutis Šimatonis    (2008 03 02 18:12)  
2. R L    (2008 03 02 21:18)  
Akivaizdziai ikvepimas buvo pagaves :))))) Dekui :)))
3. Asta    (2008 03 03 10:35)  
:) ne tai kad ikvepimas, o veikiausiai velimo adatos karstine pagavo:D karta paragaves negali sustot:)

2008 02 29 23:14
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