Arvis Vanags

1. sandra medė    (2008 02 12 13:48)  
nepatiko. truputį apsimestinis miegas, todėl nuotrauka turi porno prieskonį. be to kompozicija 'važiuoja' į dešinį šoną. todėl musmirė.

bet sekmės ;)
2. Art'istas    (2008 02 12 13:49)  
truputi smakra perdaug i sona nusukus, o siaip patiko!
3. Arvis Vanags    (2008 02 12 14:26)  
Maby someone can translate it to english, please?
4. Scarlet    (2008 02 12 15:14)  
beautiful :) but I think it would look better if you cut a lil' bit from the bottom.. :) +
5. ♫♫    (2008 02 12 15:25)  
grazu, bet man noretusi, kad mergina ant pilvo miegotu ir matyusi nuoga nugara +
6. R.    (2008 02 12 15:48)  
I agree with Victoria`s comment.
7. UTOPIA    (2008 02 12 17:37)  
kazkas cia su ja negerai...
8. I r m a S i l i ū n a i t ė    (2008 02 12 18:34)  
1/ ta nuotrauka neturi jokio porno priskonio jau taip spalvas sutirstinai sandrut... :))
9. Rokas Varanauskas    (2008 02 12 19:14)  
kažkaip nepatinka pateikimas... poza...
10. Karolis Teišerskis    (2008 02 12 20:51)  
gal daugiau moters?:)
11. aliute    (2008 02 12 21:49)  
3/ Arvis, next time ask in the picture description box to write comments in english :)
12. vaitieka    (2008 02 13 16:41)  
body language seems to be a little bit artificial (left hand). I'd rather choose a little bit different composition.
overall, i like it.
13. vaitieka    (2008 02 13 17:02)  
Arvis, here comes translations (not word by word, but still:>) :
1: didn't like it. a little bit artificial sleep. that's why the picture gains a spice of porno. the composition 'moves' to the right. due to these reasons - a mushroom. but good luck;)

2: a chin is turned aside a bit to much, overall Bradiaga liked it.

5: Nice, but I'd like the to lie on her stomach, so i could see her nude back

7: something's wrong with her...

8: a reply to comm#1/ the pic. has no spice of porno. You laid it on thick, Sandrut... :))

9: somehow I don't like the presentation...the posture...

10: how about more of the woman? :)

11 - that's a really good advice:)

14. Arvis Vanags    (2008 02 13 20:20)  
ego, thank you wery much!
15. vaitieka    (2008 02 14 16:13)  
u r welcome;]
16. Antanas M    (2008 02 15 11:37)  
17. RS    (2008 05 02 22:11)  
Left side blur near elbow in good sharp zone put my mind in confusion. IMHO it`s not glass but PC job. 4,5

2008 02 12 13:17
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