Ankstesnė fotografija Autoriaus fotografijos    Sekanti fotografija  
the power of...

1. Knieža    (2008 01 28 10:06)  
stilius +
2. Raimonda    (2008 01 28 10:07)  
sado mazo? :D
3. Marijus *Bružila    (2008 01 28 10:07)  
4. Artūras Armonas    (2008 01 28 10:11)  
5. Herkus    (2008 01 28 10:11)  
boaring...what happend to your creativity?
6. Mantas K.    (2008 01 28 10:12)  
7. Andrius Z    (2008 01 28 10:16)  
8. Wytenis    (2008 01 28 10:42)  
gražu :)
9. Mindaugas Bernatonis    (2008 01 28 11:05)  
10. Antanas M    (2008 01 28 11:06)  
nufotkines ar nepamirsai atristi
11. Sundew    (2008 01 28 12:33)  
dear Lithuanians again you missunderstand smth. look here what people wrote about this picture in deviant art
12. Marijus *Bružila    (2008 01 28 12:42)  
ju fink,wat lifjueinianz a not piplz?mi wrot vis,vuot ai fink,end fo mi its deznt meter vat enave piplz fink .
13. Zilvinas Valeika    (2008 01 28 12:48)  
12 / o cia tai anglu zinios :)) pirma karta taip matau
14. Marijus *Bružila    (2008 01 28 12:52)  
13.Zhilvinas,ai laik ju tiu ;)
15. Kęstutis Šimatonis    (2008 01 28 13:01)  
well done
16. Laura Grey    (2008 01 28 13:49)  
Idejos ner, bet tonai man grazus. O shiaip jau ne i tema - bet primena, kad sestadieni ziurejom toki klaiku filma apie gejus-sado-mazochistus, toki klaiku ir ziauru.... Butume mete ziuret po kokiu 7 min., bet tverem puse filmo. O tverem todel, kad pradzioj pasirode idomus filmavimas, bet kas svarbiausia filmas buvo rekomenduotas kaip didelis MIANAS. Tai laukem to miano.... bet.... ne visada ir net su didzaiusiais norais gali tai iziuret.
O foto spalvishkai-fakturishkai ziurisi. Bet...
17. Dangus    (2008 01 28 15:37)  
dear Sundew who wrote awesome and so on in devianart they do not have good taste or they saw breasts for a first time. or they were some kind of masochists. here is a such cold work... no composition no idea even u can't find a mood in it. only a sharp and clear work. to compare to other your works this one is worse than most of them.
18. Sundew    (2008 01 28 18:20)  
I totally diagree with you, I am sorry that you dont understand the idea of the power, the power agains woman, the power against nation, THIS IS SYMBOL, CANT YOU SEE????? THIS IS HUMAN POWER AGAINST EVERYTHING AND EVERYBODY! You are the only people who didnt get this idea....
19. Liutauras Paskevicius    (2008 01 28 19:07)  
20. jf    (2008 01 28 21:04)  
Naujakalbe komentaruose idomesne negu nuotrauka.
21. Snaržas    (2008 01 28 21:25)  
22. Herkus    (2008 01 28 21:26)  
Sundew, don't shout, we are not def. ;) And what You wished to express and what you expressed isn't always the same....It's technically well done picture of the girl tied to the ropes in front of the old wall...and nothing more...
23. Dangus    (2008 01 28 21:54)  
I can see your idea Sundew. but to tie girl with bondage and to take picture is not enough. I can compare similar situations.

this is Zilvinas photo. this photo makes me feel nasty and discomforted. It's strong photo.
your photo seems like a simple fact. without trying to affect deeper. yes I can see a fact but I do not feel it.
24. Dangus    (2008 01 28 21:56)  
please do not think I talk such things because I'd like to confuse you or say u r wrong. I'm trying to show you my point of view.
25. SRP-145TII    (2008 01 29 00:28)  
hmm, i'm not even close to pro photographers, so my opinion will be pure. i have to say sorry, it just doesn't click for me and i don't know why. more i look at the photo more i would like to see her eyes, her exression, maybe she suffers and trying to escape, perhaps she likes it!!! ehm. overall i impressed but you just lacking that tiny tiny bit wich would make this photo memorable.
26. Marija    (2008 01 29 00:37)  
very weak photo, specialy from you, looks like you r just so hucked to photokudra that u put pictures, no matter wat quality:)
27. SRP-145TII    (2008 01 29 01:02)  
despite some negative comments here and positive comments somwhere else, perhaps you should try to publish some of your work here, reason for that, that you can get noticed from famous photgraphers like martin parr, alex proud, and some others. they are world known and there opinion mean a lot.
28. Andrius Elsbergas    (2008 01 29 10:35)  
29.    (2008 01 29 11:35)  
Not bad at all. IMHO: It’s technically well done image. However, I think , it has to be presented in a different context. The way it appears on this website, it lacks a bit of power of impression. It may look completely different in a different environment though. Good image indeed, but not great. Respect.
30. M. Adam    (2008 01 29 23:17)  
nice 5
31. Eglė Balčiūnaitė    (2008 02 11 17:51)  
oo neeeee. kaip grubu. napatink

2008 01 28 10:05
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