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Infrared film

1. Kęstutis Šimatonis    (2008 01 04 11:53)  
2. I r m a S i l i ū n a i t ė    (2008 01 04 12:08)  
nice :)
3. Dainius Krivičius    (2008 01 04 12:32)  
4. dagile    (2008 01 04 12:34)  
i like this picture :) +
5. Ramūnas Blavaščiūnas    (2008 01 04 12:37)  
It's a lovely pic, however, there are some distractions and it is strange you left ones it is. Probably you have a reason, I do not know. Left: bottom corner, branches and strange shadow??? behind the left boat. Le left boat is melting into the sky....I have feeling that the pic is leaning to the left
6. Jonas Tučkus    (2008 01 04 12:51)  
ai, ką čia išsikalinėti angliškai... da klaidų pridarysiu- tegu geriau lietuviškai mokosi- gabus gi vaikinas... :)
7. Ramūnas Blavaščiūnas    (2008 01 04 13:02)  
6/ o tu, ka negabus. O klaidos, ju darom net lietuviskai. Svarbu esme, o ne klaidos. as taip pat klaidu privariau ir zodziu praleidau, bet nesiparinu :)
8. Antanas M    (2008 01 04 13:49)  
jauciasi radioaktyvumas :)
9. Liutauras Paskevicius    (2008 01 04 14:09)  
10.    (2008 01 04 14:10)  
tas juodas isiaudrines debesis viska nesa kairen... viska paskui save.... nerealiai perteikta.... tuoj ir as nugriusiu nuo kedes :))) sauniai..
11. Jonas Tučkus    (2008 01 04 14:35)  
7/ šiaip tai esu alergiškas kalboms.... na čia silpnumas koks tai užėjo, tai prisipažinau... :))
12. E.Freddi    (2008 01 04 19:29)  
Thank you all for your nice comments :-)

5] Thank you for the acute observations!
The horizon is not perfect, probably it's falling 2-3 degrees on the left side, and I think that this effect is increased by all graphical elements that are all turned in that side.
About the cropping - yes, it would have been necessary to shot with more attention, again you are right. Anyway, at the moment I prefer to leave the branches on the left because otherwise the bow of the left boat will get too close the edge and in my opinion this is not better.

6] no problem, I have a patient personal translator that helps me :-)
13.    (2008 01 04 20:38)  
nice job
14. Pusalotas    (2008 01 04 20:39)  
15. Ramūnas Blavaščiūnas    (2008 01 04 23:53)  
12/ I think it is possible to remove ones without cropping the image, when you will process it on the paper...
16. E.Freddi    (2008 01 05 00:53)  
15] That's the point! Let me explain: these photos come from the same Kodak HIE roll that I over-developed. The film is VERY dense, I already tried to print some picture but the results are hard to get - a lot of time, really a lot. On the paper it's possible to fix some error masking/burning and with some iron cyanide reducer, but it will be again other effort and I don't think it's worth :-/
These images are scanned from the film, in some way with the scanner I rediscovered these images, that's the reason I'm uploading them in fotoKudra (this should be the last one). With any photo retouch program the balance of the image can be varied much more than on the paper.
17. Ramūnas Blavaščiūnas    (2008 01 05 01:19)  
Sure, software is more flexible and easier way to get the result. However, I thought that you hate the software retouche and if retouch is needed then you use the "hard" method...
18. Walldis    (2008 01 05 14:02)  
Very good ...
19. E.Freddi    (2008 01 05 16:57)  
17] Yes, you are right. Digital or film, depends what is the target, there is not an absolute better system. My goal is to have the b&w pictures on the paper, but of course to share them in internet I scan the film and it's like a test too. Then, since I'm not a professionist, I measure everything with my satisfaction, like all hobbies. I always say that the picture of the murder of J.F.Kennedy is worth a lot of effort in dark room, but not so for many others.
20. Raimonda    (2008 01 05 20:13)  
Nice picture, I like it ;) +
21.    (2008 02 05 19:41)  
Very nice +
22. Monika Daukšaitė    (2008 08 19 10:44)  
nice pic:]
23. skarbonke    (2008 09 02 23:08)  
big +
24. Olga Vaikas    (2009 05 12 00:07)  

2008 01 04 11:52
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