Autoriaus fotografijos      

1. Pijus Vyčas    (2007 12 26 21:22)  
tic tac tic tac....
2. Juozuxas    (2007 12 26 21:22)  
jau išvirto iš lovos :D+
3. Inga Jankauskaitė    (2007 12 26 21:28)  
4. Ramūnas Blavaščiūnas    (2007 12 26 21:31)  
I could not see what metre is set on the metronome. Just currios what rythm nowadays is "in vogue" and is chosen by these libertines :)
5. Jonas Tučkus    (2007 12 26 21:38)  
6. I r m a S i l i ū n a i t ė    (2007 12 27 00:10)  
Freddi sorry 3 :))))))))
7. E.Freddi    (2007 12 27 00:14)  
Siliunaite, what to be sorry?
8. Linas Šinkūnas    (2007 12 27 00:49)  
puzzle or smthn ? :)
9. Marijus *Bružila    (2007 12 28 09:32) laik it.
10.    (2008 01 02 00:29)  
smagu kai ziurint sypsena atsiranda iki ausu :D
11. Simas Mockevičius    (2008 01 05 22:40)  
12.    (2008 02 05 19:53)  
The photo with good humour and implied sense, gallantly, accurately, is aesthetic and the theme is not vulgarly opened, very much I respect with your works.
13. Little Miss Sunshine    (2008 03 30 23:59)  
He he, this is simply great! :) I wonder, why all your pictures are black and white?

2007 12 26 21:13
Taškai: 43
Žiūrėta kartų:   3192