Karol Siwek
mamiya phase one p45

1. Александр Красавцев    (2011 01 18 14:02)  
I love the way your man portrait look, willing to chat with you sometime. skype maybe? thetaikun
2. Karol Siwek    (2011 01 18 14:28)  
just tell them to look straight dont move and thats it. Its simple i have to say.
3. Julka    (2011 01 18 14:34)  
maybe its simple with mamiya :D
4. juem ju    (2011 01 18 15:07)  
įdomu, kokia jo profesija? geras:)
5. Karol Siwek    (2011 01 18 15:10)  
mamiya is much more difficult then normal SLR in order to focus, and one file is 130mb so u need to have strone PC as well..
6. Александр Красавцев    (2011 01 18 16:04)  
Hah, I Agree with that, it's same as if you buy lamborgini but roads in your town is like country yard type. You got best tools, but you can't use them. Because you cant maintain them.
I had such problem even with 5d mk II. 21mpx raw files just throwed lack of RAM errors in photoshop.
7. Arnoldas Kalabuchovas    (2011 01 18 17:15)  
nice +5
8. grazvidas gapsys    (2011 01 18 17:43)  
9. p.gintautas    (2011 01 18 20:43)  
10. SandraV    (2011 01 18 22:47)  
Labai ryskus portretas! Zavu!
11. Algis aš    (2011 01 19 00:13)  
I can imagine that
middle format is harder
to focus. Great job
12. Julka    (2011 01 19 07:47)  
5/ yep, but quality is amazing
13. 33    (2011 01 19 10:46)  
Nope, not for me. Looks like some hdr portrait with boring background. But is just for me.

2011 01 18 12:34
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