Ankstesnė fotografija    Sekanti fotografija  
Karol Siwek
comments in english appreciate. ;)

mamiya rz67 illford hp5

1. an7ana5    (2010 10 30 23:43)  
nice one - love BW film :) +++++
2. Algis aš    (2010 10 30 23:58)  
3. Александр Красавцев    (2010 10 31 00:07)  
great looking portrait with plenty of free space around her, I like it. Feels calm... I like the way you frame in square's! 5
4. °°    (2010 10 31 00:38)  
5. Rytė    (2010 10 31 02:28)  
+++++ I can say just one - photo of the day :)) Perfect!!!
6. Zenonas Bulgakovas    (2010 10 31 09:35)  
Man atrodo, kad kompozicija nevisai gera.Figūra nei centre nei krašte.Jeigu ją patraukus truputį, truputį į dešinę, tuomet gal ir gerai būtų.
7. Karolis Milasevicius    (2010 10 31 11:42)  
Nice portrait, I really love the amount of detail you're showing in this picture, just a few nitpicks. First of all, I don't think her ear should be brighter than the face. It's a distraction, and I am pretty sure the ear is not the main accent in this photograph. Same goes with her arm. I really admire your work, and loved the portraits you posted before. This one, of course, isn't weak at all. It's one of the better portraits in fotokudra, but I think you could have done better.

Oh, and by the way, I don't think it's suitable for the "autoportrait" contest, since it's not an auto - portrait
8. jjj    (2010 10 31 11:47)  
9. ignius    (2010 10 31 12:37)  
10. cruxman    (2010 10 31 12:49)  
Why do people always put models in such weird composition? Wouldn't it be better to turn her around?
11. Hana - an    (2010 10 31 14:45)  
the girl is a beauty, really nice one, all details are carefully thought of, I like the way she is, couse it is boring to see all the faces straight :) just my opinion, I give 5
12. Katė    (2010 10 31 14:47)  
Great portrait! :)
13. Karol Siwek    (2010 10 31 15:01)  
10/ If people would put models in such a composition so much, it would not be weird anymore dont u think so?. thx
14. skridoorolėktuvėlis    (2010 10 31 15:28)  
great. a bit too wide imo. otherwise, great
15. Hana - an    (2010 10 31 17:10)  
13/ you're right :) sometimes a particular angle is perfect for the person you take photo of, am I wrong? :) Taking pictures this way wouldn't be weird if people consider that usual :) Good luck!
16. blunkanti    (2010 10 31 17:20)  
softly. like it :)
17. Gintaras Varnagys    (2010 10 31 20:11)  
18. BROK    (2010 10 31 21:42)  
love it
19. cruxman    (2010 10 31 23:13)  
13 / Might be wrong, but I find it unprofessional. It irritates me. Provokes to cut the space behind her back and all the composition looks japanese or jewish.
20. Karol Siwek    (2010 10 31 23:46)  
19/ Some time ago Helmut Newton said "The only thing i care about is that they get my name right" / I'm not trying to makes people happy, I'm trying to do what i love , and that is my answer ;)
21. VaRom    (2010 11 01 01:09)  
19/ crux, kokia yra jewish ar japanese composition??? prasau placiau, dar mane domina ukrainietishka kompozicija :)
22. Hana - an    (2010 11 01 10:00)  
19/ one photographer said to me: "there must be space in front of you, behind you and all around in your photo, couse you want to breath.." crux, I love Japanese culture, isn't it bad to admire the East? What's wrong with "Japanese" composition mhm? ;)
23. cruxman    (2010 11 01 14:33)  
21 / Kam ta pikta ironija, VaRom? Mūsuose įprasta skaityti ir rašyti, todėl ir sekti veiksmą bei dinamiką iš kairės į dešinę, todėl ir dažnam ukrainiečiui turbūt labiau patiktų toks PAT komponavimas kaip rusui, vokiečiui ar lietuviui. Tuo tarpu Rytų civilizacijoms būdinga kita ornamentika, komponavimas ir net dinamika, įskaitant ir raštą. Tikiuosi, dabar supratote, ką norėjau Jums parašyti.
24. VaRom    (2010 11 01 22:28)  
23/ crux, nieko pikto neturiu, siaip, pasirode, kad perdaug paraleliu pradejai ieskot tarp rasto ir vizualinio pateikimo, tai pajuokavau (gal nevykusiai); mano supratimu portretui galioja tie patys principai tarp zhydu ir japonu, lietuviu ar lenku, perdaug cia tos juodumos, tai ir nervina
25. grazvidas gapsys    (2010 11 05 21:07)  
Superinis portretas!!!

2010 10 30 23:38
Taškai: 156
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Vertino vartotojų:   67
Žiūrėta kartų:   7486

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