Ankstesnė fotografija Autoriaus fotografijos    Sekanti fotografija  
Andrey Vahrushew(RENO)

1. Vardenis Pavardenis    (2007 08 02 22:04)  
vo tai grazi mergiote.
2. Ramūnas Blavaščiūnas    (2007 08 02 22:07)  

from dark world you jumped to the bright one :). It is a lovely portrait, however, for some reason it looks as a part of a picture. To my taste, including more models’ body to the frame would bring to the portrait feeling of a more complete work.
All said above is IMHO of course….
3. Daiva Kielė    (2007 08 03 13:16)  

2007 08 02 21:38
Taškai: 23
Vidurkis: 4.26
Vertino vartotojų:   17
Žiūrėta kartų:   3359

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. 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
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