Arvis Vanags
Good day
Please, write coments in english. :)

1. Ponaitis_B    (2009 06 03 20:42)  
beer.......:D +5
2. skarbonke    (2009 06 03 20:52)  
3. Giedrius_In    (2009 06 03 20:57)  
4. aidas a .    (2009 06 03 21:06)  
Tas pa labi ir labāko for man: (
labs foto.
5. Pelkiu Senis    (2009 06 03 21:34)  
It's difficult to comment without knowing your intention for this photo. If it was an advert would I look at the bottle? No, I look at the face and find nothing interesting there. I also think there's too much sky. I can see the idea but to me this photo is messy both composition and post production-wise.
6. Rolandas Butkevičius    (2009 06 03 21:34)  
7. Valentinas    (2009 06 03 22:39)  
Very nice:)
8. Edita M Perna    (2009 06 04 08:55)  
every man's dream day :)))) +
9. Vilija Buivydė    (2009 06 04 15:32)  
the man looks a bit dirty, guess because of the HDR (?)
also if this photo intend to bring the good mood - the smile on man's face would help, even if it was a small one :)
there is quite a lot of space for advertising above :)
10. UTOPIA    (2009 06 04 18:07)  
11. Arvis Vanags    (2009 06 04 18:26)  
The interesting thing here is that here is no HDR.. ;)
12.    (2009 06 05 21:28)  
The bottle should be made by Kalnapilis :)

2009 06 03 20:24
Taškai: 21
Vidurkis: 4.11
Vertino vartotojų:   26
Žiūrėta kartų:   4752

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