The Dream Of A Log

1. Saulius Baltmiškis    (2009 02 26 20:33)  
Man patinka tas X ...:)
2. Jonas Bagdonas    (2009 02 26 20:45)  
Na ir svajonės...
3. vamzdynas    (2009 02 26 20:51)  
4. Aloyzas Stakelė    (2009 02 26 21:28)  
No nieka sau mergyke svajoj :)
5. Hermis Preikštas    (2009 02 26 22:27)  
kliošas - gerai :)
6. arkanoidas    (2009 02 26 22:33)  
uogooooooos, dziedai ,daug kas noretu atsidurti vietoj to rasto? ;)
7. Ieva Austinskaitė    (2009 02 26 22:45)  
įdomiai :)
8. vamzdynas    (2009 02 26 23:07)  
Nesusigaudau koks cia laikmetis.
9. Adomas Svirskas    (2009 02 27 03:58)  
sexualno ozabochennaja fota :)
10. Adomas Svirskas    (2009 02 27 04:11)  
I think there should be some association "logs against sexual harrassment united" or similar, it is not good if a log can be raped at will by a sexually-depraved female.

on the other hand, this documentary photo exposes the misery of local guys, who perhaps are too much into beer, TV, hunting, basketball or similar and leave quite nice chicks to their own devices.

such "devices" and associated malpractices can lead to serious deforestation, as we can see in the picture - NO MORE TREES.

I am pretty positive that before resorting to this tree-raping bonanza the chick raped all the men-like creatures in the vicinity. I am also positive, that there is a long line of chicks waiting fot their turn to shag the log.

p.s. how many chicks can a log endure before it breaks and/or goes on fire?
11. Grazina    (2009 02 27 09:26)  
12. Eugene    (2009 02 27 15:31)  
This one OK again +
10/ Another good comment!
13. Adomas Svirskas    (2009 03 01 04:01)  
To round it off: shag a girl, save a tree!

14. Genadijus Kozlovskis    (2009 03 03 12:07)  
Gera hromosoma isejo) +

2009 02 26 19:31
Taškai: 31
Vidurkis: 4.20
Vertino vartotojų:   29
Žiūrėta kartų:   3799

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