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julia iwo
Song for Vera

1. tuščia    (2008 12 06 14:06)  
spalvos malonios akiai :)

Vera! Vera!
What has become of you?
Does anybody else in here
Feel the way I do?

2. Флагвамвчaйку    (2008 12 06 14:27)  
3. O.S.    (2008 12 06 14:32)  
2,4, если можно выбирать очень понравились
4. Hermis Preikštas    (2008 12 06 14:43)  
eksperiment otlichnyj
5. GintarasM    (2008 12 06 15:09)  
отлично :)
6. GretaDo    (2008 12 06 15:10)  
super super
7. Monika Krišinaitė    (2008 12 06 15:17)  
Jėga, jesss
8. Rūta Smailys    (2008 12 06 15:24)  
labai grazu
9. hideo    (2008 12 06 16:45)  
10. Bebras    (2008 12 06 16:49)  
tapeti krasivije, rubaska horoso knej idiot :)
11. Inga Jankauskaitė    (2008 12 06 16:58)  
visai nieko...tik paskutine nepatiko, nes panasu, kad ideja yra parodyti mergina kaip graziau ir idmomiau...o atidengtas pilvas (na suprantu ne visi modeliai idealus ir pan), siam siuzetui ir butent tai nuotraukai nepadeda :)
12. julia iwo    (2008 12 06 17:12)  
11/Инга, напишите,пожалуйста, по-аглийскич то ли...
13. Aušra Osipavičiūtė    (2008 12 06 17:44)  
for me 3,4,6 are unnecessary there, the second one really sounds, in general colours and the feeling are great :)
14. Elzė Jasiukėnaitė    (2008 12 06 17:50)  
15. Inga Jankauskaitė    (2008 12 06 17:55)  
12/ sorry, i didn't realise that you won't understand :))) ok..:
I think this is fine set, but i don't like the very last picture - I think that the main idea of these pics is to show the girl and her beauty in original and interesting way, but in the last picture the belly doesn't look good and i think that the girl ( i know how different and not ideal models are) doest suit for this (last pic) role....
16. Justinas    (2008 12 06 18:08)  
17. Sigitas Kondratas    (2008 12 06 18:39)  
18. Marijus *Bružila    (2008 12 06 18:50)  
znaju lish odnu pesniu pro Veru, no tam ne pro ejo
19. Vardas Pavardė    (2008 12 06 18:54)  
Perfect range of colors!
20. Marijus *Bružila    (2008 12 06 18:56)  
1.aga ir ash apie shita, bet Iwo turbut nezhino... a zhal ..zhal...
21. Naglis Bierancas    (2008 12 06 19:03)  
man labai patinka... fave ;)
22. myntonas    (2008 12 06 19:07)  
23. Lietus    (2008 12 06 19:19)  
Gal butu galima suzinoti kokie lesiai buvo naudoti?? Aciu labai.
24. Lietus    (2008 12 06 19:42)  
Really nice pictures, I love the colors and love this DOF. Can you tell me what lens was used here?
25. bitės akys    (2008 12 06 20:19)  
amazing colors
26. Aršua    (2008 12 06 20:26)  
27. Gintautas Berzinskas    (2008 12 06 20:30)  
what camera and lens(-es) did you used in this shoot?
28. julia iwo    (2008 12 06 20:31)  
24. Thanks, Lietus) it's canon 50 1.4)
29. julia iwo    (2008 12 06 21:23)  
15. Thank you for comment , Inga)
why do you find the last picture not beautiful? because of the belly? hmm... you know from my point of view any show of human body even if it's not in standard is beautiful. It's my style - not to hide some unflattering elements of human body and nature. I'm not conflict with it.
30. Inga Jankauskaitė    (2008 12 06 21:45)  
29/ yes but this angle of view is not the best for the girl... the meaning is that this pic is out of this set... all others are uchhh achh how beautiful the girl and colors are... and the last is like boom... but on the other way it may be read like: she is nice, beautiful and colorful, and sweet and the last pic is like how does she look like in real :) IMHO
31. julia iwo    (2008 12 06 22:08)  
and the last is like boom....u r right:) u feel all very close) thanks)
32. Marijus *Bružila    (2008 12 06 22:58)  
Iwo, diu ju neu vat ebaut vi tok in komentez 1.18.20?
33. Ramūnas L.    (2008 12 06 23:30)  
very good sound
34. julia iwo    (2008 12 07 00:02)  
32. Это, кажется, Пинк Флоид) Вера) ага?
35. julia iwo    (2008 12 07 00:02)  
32. А литовского текста я не понимаю(((
36. ELO    (2008 12 07 00:46)  
nemanau, kad cia kažkas yra ką , ir as tai moku enter
37. aišiaipsau    (2008 12 07 00:57)  
piataja foto prosto prieliest
38. julia iwo    (2008 12 07 00:59)  
37. Спасибо) и еще за то, что понимаю вас без переводчика)))
39. Adomas Svirskas    (2008 12 07 01:40)  
бибис жино, тамста мокитоя, ар чя гражу... undecided :)
40. Linosz Kranowski    (2008 12 07 01:48)  
i just want to add a message for the model: your belly is JUST FINE.
41. julia iwo    (2008 12 07 02:17)  
42. Tricky kid    (2008 12 07 03:23)  
labai gera serija, spalvos ir bokeh labai graziai gavosi.
43. Marijus *Bružila    (2008 12 07 09:55)  
34.a pesniu, da pinkflidovskuju my imeli v vidu.pravda ona tut lipnet tolko po imeni, bolshe net
44. Sigitas Daščioras    (2008 12 07 12:08)  
45. Kriste P.    (2008 12 07 13:21)  
spalvos tikrai užburiančios, fantastiškos, kai kurios iš serijos labai patiko, kai kurios mažiau, bet visumoj serija vientisa ir gan nebloga
46. Daiva Kielė    (2008 12 11 19:00)  

2008 12 06 13:46
Taškai: 160
Vidurkis: 4.56
Vertino vartotojų:   84
Žiūrėta kartų:   9890

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