Laurijs Svirskis

1. Ignas Butėnas    (2007 04 03 16:33)  
gal truputi per tamsu..
2. Laurijs Svirskis    (2007 04 04 01:07)  
i see industrial pics on fotokudra is not good :D
3. chemikalas chemikalichius    (2007 04 06 19:38)  
nemanau kad tu teisus, tiesiog ... susilaikau ...
4. Gediminas M.    (2007 04 06 22:44)  
There is no question, good or bad are industrial pics in Kudra, at this time people just giving you uogos or musmires for this particular photo.I like frame, I also like industrial theme and neglect theme,but this photo lacks something, what keeps your eyes on from the first moment.If I'd make this photo, I'd probably try to go closer to the light and use a wide angle, in order to fit more details.Nice try,anyway, will wait for more ;)
5. Robis    (2007 04 08 22:48)  
good !

2007 04 03 13:26
Taškai: 6
Vidurkis: 4.00
Vertino vartotojų:   11
Žiūrėta kartų:   3058

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