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2007-10-07 nesuprantu.... lietuve ar ne? kuria kalba rasyt? 2007-10-09 Gal vis dėlto jinai Užsienietė besimokanti lietuvių kalbos:))) 2007-10-13 o kitaip= lietuve, besimokanti kitu kalbu :) |

Kristina Sedere
Amžius: 23 | Miestas: Arhus, Vilnius | Pomėgiai: dreaming big dreams, listening to presentations, speeches of interesting and innovative people, eating ice-cream on the river shore with friends, riding a bike from the mountain, running to every jazz and live music concert, drinking tea and water, playing guitar and my own nerves :), traveling, listening to myself and my BEST friends, dancing in the rain, smiling, being curious and open to all the challenges that come out or that I myself initiate to make my life more difficult and interesting :P | Mane nusakanti mintis arba moto: Life is the art of drawing without an eraser... | Naudojama fototechnika: Pentax K100 & Fuji Film (nepamenu serijos:) ). | Mėgstamiausi fotografai: Julian Stratenschulte, Christian Kemmer, Oliver Donzyk, Michael Langford. | Mėgstamiausios knygos: Da vinci code, the art of happiness. | Mėgstamiausi filmai:
eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, jacket, fearless, pianist, look both sides, life is beautiful, memento, all of the Kimkiduk directed movies.. | Mėgstamiausi poetai arba rašytojai: a. g. remark, dostojevski, v.m. putinas |